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Home - After a Weather Event: Flood & Wind Damage

What to do after a Flood

As soon as floodwater levels have dropped, it's time to start the recovery process. Here's what you can do to begin restoring your home.

  • If your home has suffered damage, call your insurance agent to file a claim.
  • Check for structural damage before re-entering your home to avoid being trapped in a building collapse.
  • Take photos of any floodwater in your home and save any damaged personal property.
  • Make a list of damaged or lost items and include their purchase date and value with receipts, and place with the inventory you took prior to the flood. Some damaged items may require disposal, so keep photographs of these items.
  • Keep power off until an electrician has inspected your system for safety.
  • Boil water for drinking and food preparation until authorities tell you that your water supply is safe.
  • Prevent mold by removing wet contents immediately.
  • Wear gloves and boots to clean and disinfect. Wet items should be cleaned with a pine-oil cleanser and bleach, completely dried, and monitored for several days for any fungal growth and odors.

What to do after High Winds - Tornado

In a house with no basement, a dorm, or an apartment: Avoid windows. Go to the lowest floor, small center room (like a bathroom or closet), under a stairwell, or in an interior hallway with no windows. Crouch as low as possible to the floor, facing down; and cover your head with your hands.

It is critical to be sure that a storm has truly passed before going outside. Check for updates on your NOAA Weather Radio, local broadcasts and/or The Weather Channel for the latest weather information related to a storm in your area.

Helping the Injured

  • Check those with you for injuries, and administer first aid for minor injuries as needed
  • Do not attempt to move a seriously injured person unless they are in immediate danger of additional injury. Get medical assistance as soon as possible by calling 911
  • If someone has stopped breathing, administer CPR if you have been trained to do so
  • Stop any bleeding by applying direct pressure, and have puncture wounds evaluated by a physician or emergency medical personnel

Beware of Hazards

  • Keep away from downed power lines and report them to your utility company
  • Stay out of damaged buildings and homes until local emergency management officials have indicated it is safe to go inside them
  • Watch for snakes or other animals that have been forced into your home by rising waters or flooding. Leave immediately if you smell fumes or gas, and notify emergency personnel
  • If your home has not been damaged, keep children and pets inside, away from any damage or debris outside. If you must take your pets outside, keep them on a leash to prevent them from running away and being injured by debris
  • If your home is without power, use battery-powered flashlights and lanterns rather than candles to prevent accidental fires
  • If you suspect any damage to your home, shut off electrical power, natural gas and propane tanks to avoid fire, electrocution or explosions
  • If you see frayed electrical wiring or sparks, or smell something burning, shut off your home's electrical system at the main circuit breaker, if you have not done so already

Safety During Cleanup

  • Wear sturdy shoes or boots, long sleeves and gloves whenever you handle, walk around or near debris. Many of the injuries caused by tornadoes result from stepping on nails in and around damaged homes and buildings
  • Clean up any dangerous spills immediately, including medicines, bleaches, chemicals, gasoline or other flammable liquids

Report the incident to your agent so we can help you, 281-293-7744 Toll Free 1-877-260-0808.

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